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  • +233(0)557630111

  • No. 9A Lizard Lane Teshie Nungua Estate

As a humanitarian non-governmental organization which seeks to alleviate poverty among women and youth, we decided to intervene by providing comprehensive apprenticeship project
to train teenage and single mothers between the ages of 13 and 22 years in targeted communities.

We believe that one of the foremost reasons for teenage pregnancy is poverty and when young girls fall victim, they are abandoned by family and stigmatized by fiends. They begin to play the
role of a mother without mentorship and support and raise their children under harsh conditions who also end up like their mothers and they cycle continues.

These projects are therefore tailored to empower teenage mothers and young girls through vocation in dress-making, Hairdressing, and bakery with necessary tools which enables them to
start their own business enterprises after apprenticeship. We also provide beneficiaries some financial and psychological support before, during and after their training. These interventions
were aimed at empowering beneficiaries to become self-reliance in order to make a good living without depending on others to survive and end the poverty cycle.

Reduces poverty among young mothers and women
2. Promotes self- reliance
3. Promotes financial stability and independence
4. Boosts confidence among young girls
5. Empowers girls and women